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Pre-IPO - Infinite Blue Energy

Written by Barclay Pearce Capital | Mar 26, 2021 2:10:42 AM

Infinite Blue Energy is an Australian-based renewable energy company with a vision to become Australia’s 1st commercial green hydrogen producer.

Barclay Pearce Capital is acting as Lead Manager to Infinite Blue Energy on its A$6M Pre-IPO raise via a private placement of ordinary shares.

About Infinite Blue Energy

Infinite Blue Energy Pty Ltd (“IBE” or the “Company”) is an Australian-based renewable energy company with a vision to become Australia’s 1st commercial green hydrogen producer.

Green hydrogen is a future renewable energy source with the CSIRO estimating the size of the green hydrogen economy in Australia to be $10B by 2040. The Company is facilitating Australia’s first, and one of the world’s largest, commercial-scale green hydrogen projects - Arrowsmith Plant based in WA.

Offer Details:

  • A$6,000,000.30 via the issue of 8,571,429 ordinary shares at $0.70 each.

  • The Company reserves the right to accept over-subscriptions at its discretion.

Investment Highlights:

  • Strategic Investment - Unique green hydrogen investment with the Arrowsmith plant being one of the largest facilities in the world. Stage 2 and 3 plans will expand capacity and construct an export terminal to ship the gas in liquid form to Asia.

  • A prime location for low-cost wind and solar generation. Moreover, the WA and Federal government are committed to supporting investment in green hydrogen through the National Hydrogen Strategy and the offering of generous grants.

  • Studies Underway - Project advanced with FEED studies completed and timeline on track for plant construction in Q2 2021, with first gas in Q2 2022. This timeline gives IBE a 2-year first-mover advantage over other comparable projects in Australia.

  • Strong Green Credentials - ESG and sustainable investing approved with the plant emitting zero carbon emissions. Stage 1 will avoid 118,000 t/y of C02.

  • Strong supply chain relationships with sourcing from tier 1 suppliers, including high demand hydrogen electrolysers from Nel.

  • A$2.1 billion offtake signed - Binding take or pay agreement with Hydrogen West for domestic supply for Stage 1. Advanced negotiations in place for stage 2 offtakes with domestic and international buyers looking to secure a limited supply of green hydrogen.

  • Multiple parties vying for up to a 50% equity stake in the Arrowsmith Stage 1 SPV with advanced discussions already in place.

  • Negotiations for debt financing for Arrowsmith Stage 1 at a competitive interest rate are underway.

  • Additional opportunity to capture oxygen produced from the electrolysis process and sell to buyers for a wide variety of applications.

  • Expert management team with deep experience in successfully managing large-scale oil and gas projects.

  • Arrowsmith Stage 1 will produce 1,035 tns in the first year, 7,075 tns in the second Year and 7,907 tns in the third year for steady-state production.

  • Average price per kg is $9.



  • The current global market for hydrogen is ~76 million t/y or US$142 billion. Currently, it is used for the production of ammonia and oil refining and the production process generally uses natural gas and produces CO2. The advent of green hydrogen allows the emergence of hydrogen to be used as an emission-free energy source.

  • Green hydrogen is produced from water when a renewable energy source splits the molecules into oxygen and hydrogen. The market is currently in its infancy but the falling cost of renewable energy coupled with the economics for green hydrogen as a cost-competitive alternative to fossil fuels has enabled the opportunity for the green hydrogen economy to emerge.

  • The Australian government has recognised the importance of green hydrogen to the Australian economy through the development of the National Hydrogen Strategy. The CSIRO has also published a National Hydrogen Roadmap. In international markets, governments are creating similar plans to prepare for a carbon-neutral future with green hydrogen forming a key component to the plan.

  • A 2020 research report by Goldman Sachs estimates green hydrogen supplying up to 25% of the world’s energy needs by 2050, which would make it a US$10 trillion market globally.

  • Australia has a competitive advantage in producing hydrogen due to the abundance of space, sunshine, and wind necessary for reliable renewable power generation to power hydrogen electrolysers.

This private placement is exclusive to s708 investors only.


Barclay Pearce Capital's 1-Minute Podcast Ep. 6: Transaction Success - IBE