H2X Global Limited - Corporate Showcase Episode 21

We're thrilled to unveil insights from our conversation with Antony Tolfts, CEO of H2X Global Limited, as he delves into the latest strides in hydrogen-powered transport and key investor highlights, covering the benefits of hydrogen vehicles, H2X Global's vehicle range and their retrofit strategy.

Jack Colreavy, CFA interviews Antony, welcoming James Walker to the team of visionaries to explore the exponential growth of hydrogen as a game-changing fuel and discover how H2X Global is driving innovation and sustainability forward. Buckle up for a ride through the future of transportation!

For more information on the investment opportunity, please contact James Whelan.

Read the Conversation:

My name is Jack Colreavy, Associate Director at Barclay Pierce Capital and with me in the studio today is the CEO of H2X Global, Antony Tolfts. Welcome, Antony. G'day Jack. And look, thanks for having us. Uh, you know, great to be on the BPC's Corporate Showcase. Well, we really appreciate the time.

So many may be familiar with H2X Global. They are, one of the global leaders in hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles, but you may not be familiar with Antony because he is the new CEO for the company. As a bit of a background, uh, Antony has very, has had various leadership roles, uh, within ASX listed companies, um, and has a very strong foundation in corporate finance, project management, and ESG initiatives.

Perfect for this next phase of H2X Global's growth.  Um,  What attracted you to H2X and what brought you on board?  Thanks, Jack. It's an exciting time at H2X and, you know, we've got some remarkable founders in the industry,  as well as myself. There's a few new faces joining the company at this pivotal stage.

Uh, you know, we've got James Walker, who's just joined our board. James has got Uh, I'm sure you won't mind me saying the 30 years of experience doing incredible things, scaling businesses, listing businesses. Um, so James and I bring in that sort of rigor and corporate governance at a time where the business can now enter that sort of from concept stage onto actual production, commercialization of some really great ideas. 

Yeah, like I said, uh, I think, um, you are a very pivotal, uh, hire, but also James coming onto the board. Also very important as the company scales their technology. And we also look towards the IPO of, of H2X Global.  Shifting gears, uh, there has been a lot of discussion in the market recently around hydrogen, particularly as a mobility fuel.

I feel like it's, it's really gathering momentum, um, this year.  Can you sort of outline why that is? This may be the case. What is the attraction of hydrogen over say, uh, battery electric vehicles?  Yeah, really great question. So, uh, one size doesn't always fit all. And in particular with hydrogen, there's three key differences over a battery powered electric vehicle.

And it's weight, weight and temperature.  So the first weight is that a, a hydrogen vehicle is not carrying around three to 500 kilograms of battery. Now, by taking that weight out of the system, you can get a car that performs better, longer range, you know, and he actually increased carrying capacity. Uh, the second weight is the time that it spends to refill.

Whereas  a battery car can take anything from sort of half an hour to a couple of hours, depending on, uh, what you're using to charge it.  A hydrogen car you're looking at, you know, less than five minutes, maybe a bit more. If you've got an 18 ton truck, um, the, the final sort of real point of difference is, uh,  the temperature range.

So whereas, uh, hydrogen can operate, or at least H2X cars can operate anything from minus 30 degrees Celsius to over 50 degrees Celsius, which should be enough for most of us in particular down under in Australia, but hopefully with our Scandinavian and European clients.  Yeah, that's a, uh, that's a great homonym there.

The, uh, the old wait, wait there. And I think that's a perfect point on, on one of those key advantages for a hydrogen fuel cell in terms of temperature, particularly, and we will move to, to some of your clients in the, uh, the Nordic space.  So in a recent update to shareholders, you mentioned a focus on retrofitting.

Why is H2X prioritizing this strategy over say building a car from scratch?  So, uh, the real benefit of the retrofit strategy is that allows H2X to deliver and produce vehicles. Uh, without the enormous CapEx of having to build our own from the ground up. Uh, this allows us to use a micro factory approach, which has a lot less CapEx required and look, uh, in fact, this week we've had Toyota's senior leadership team on their fuel cell tech come and visit our, our micro factory in the Netherlands.

Toyota have been a great sort of partner of  H2X over the years. We also have a, an existing order book for retrofit cars that go, it's back. Uh, we've got 33 million euros worth of orders. Backed up and we're looking forward to delivering these vehicles to our customers. So retrofitting, low capacity, micro-factories, getting those cars.

Into the hands of the customers as quickly as possible. Exactly. Right. That's, that's very exciting. So you've got the Warigo, which is the retrofit of the Ford Ranger, but from what I understand in these contracts, there are other heavier vehicles. What are those vehicles? Yeah. Thanks, Jack. And the real advantage of the H2X technology in terms of the hydrogen power trade and fuel cells is that it's both modular and scalable. You may have heard, we've got a 3. 5-ton truck called the Peru. And I can say for the first time publicly today that we are about to announce an 18-ton truck called the Yara. The Yara named after the Yara river, which starts in Victoria, runs through into Melbourne.

Uh, it's one of the, one of the cleanest  rivers in a capital city in the world.  Yeah. And given that the only by product of a hydrogen fuel cell is water, I think it's an apt metaphor to name your vehicles after Australian rivers. So it's great to see. Exactly right. so much for your time today, Antony.

Really appreciate it. Jack. Great to be here. Look forward to the next time. To learn more, please subscribe to the H2X Chairman's List by clicking the link in the description below.